
Thysanoptera in Australia

Recognition data

Distinguishing features

Female macropterous; body colour variable, dark brown when fully mature, but commonly head and thorax brown, abdomen golden; tarsi and tibiae largely yellow; antennal segments I-VI yellow, apex of VI also VII–VIII brown; fore wing pale, extreme base sometimes brown. Head with cheeks slightly concave, sharply constricted at base. Antennae 8-segmented, III and IV with sensorium simple, arising in small depression; segment VI weakly constricted at base. Pronotum reticulate with no long setae. Mesonotum with complete median longitudinal division. Metanotum with distinct sculptured triangle, elevated posterolaterally. Fore wing major setae no longer than microtrichia; costa without cilia; wing apex with two long setae. Tergites strongly sculptured on lateral thirds; median setal pair about as long as distance between their bases; VIII with posteromarginal comb short but complete; setae on IX extend beyond apex of X; median split on X complete.

Male similar to female, setae on tergite IX not unusually stout; sternites without pore plates.

Related and similar species

The genus Australothrips includes only two species, both from Australia. These species have a simple sensorium on antennal segments III and IV that arises in a small pit. The most closely related genus is probably Phibalothrips.

Distribution data

Widespread across Australia in all States except Tasmania

Biological data

Host plants

Myrtaceae, particularly Eucalyptus species

Life history

Breeding on mature or even senescing leaves, not on young leaves; rarely found in flowers.

Taxonomic data

Current valid name

Australothrips bicolor Bagnall

Original name and synonyms

  • Australothrips bicolor Bagnall, 1916
  • Pterothrips quadratus Hood, 1918
  • Ceratothrips rufiventris Girault, 1926

Oz thrips taxa