
Thysanoptera in Australia

Recognition data

Distinguishing features

Female macroptera. Body yellow, fore wings pale with brown cross-bands at base and medially; antennal segments V–VI with apex brown. Antennae 8-segmented, VII–VIII slender, III–IV with sensorium forked and slender. Head wider than long; usually 3 pairs of ocellar setae present but pair I sometimes not developed, pair III between anterior margins of hind ocelli. Pronotum with 1 pair of major posteroangular setae; 2 pairs of posteromarginal setae; prosternal basantra with 2 pairs of discal setae. Metanotum weakly reticulate, median setae small and placed well behind anterior margin. Fore wing slender, first vein with 3 setae on distal half, second vein with 3–4 setae. Tergites without sculpture medially, posterior margins with complete craspedum; VIII with sculptured area extending anteromesad from spiracle. Sternites with large lobed craspedum, except medially on VII; median setae on VII arise in front of posterior margin; sternite III with small transverse pore plate.

Male macroptera. Similar to female; tergite IX with pair of very stout thorn-like setae and posterior to these several small tubercles; sternites III–VII with transverse pore plate.

Related and similar species

Chaetanaphothrips currently comprises 20 species, most with restricted distributions in SE Asia (Nonaka & Okajima, 1992). Three species are widespread in tropical countries, the other two being C. leeuwenii and C. orchidii, but in neither of these do females have a transverse pore plate on sternite III.

Distribution data

General distribution

Widespread in tropical countries.

Australian distribution

Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales.

Biological data

Life history

Breeding on leaves.

Host plants

Orchids (Orchidaceae) and Musa sp. (Musaceae), on which plants it is sometimes a serious pest.

Taxonomic data

Current valid name

Chaetanaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall)

Original name and synonyms

  • Scirtothrips signipennis Bagnall, 1914: 22
  • Euthrips biguttaticorpus Girault, 1924: 1
  • Euthrips musae Tryon in Girault, 1925: 471
  • Physothrips citricorpus Girault, 1927: 1


Mound LA & Marullo R. 1996. The Thrips of Central and South America: An Introduction. Memoirs on Entomology, International 6: 1-488.

Nonaka T & Okajima S. 1992. Descriptions of seven new species of the genus Chaetanaphothrips Priesner (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) from East Asia. Japanese Journal of Entomology 60: 433-447.

Oz thrips taxa