
Thysanoptera in Australia

Recognition data

Distinguishing features

Female macropterous; body brown, but abdomen yellow in teneral specimens; fore wing shaded with traingular pale area in basal third; femora brown, tibiae and tarsi yellow; antennae brown, segments I and III–V mainly yellow. Head reticulate with markings inside some reticles, neck regionstrongly constricted. Antenna 8-segmented, segments III and IV each with long forked sensorium. Pronotum with transverse markings, metanotum with prominent triangular area. Fore wing longest costal setae about three times as long as wing width. Abdominal tergite II with prominent parallel ridges anterolaterally; tergites IX with an array of stout setae, X elongate with dorsal longitudinal split complete. Male without thorn-like setae on tergite IX; sternites III–VI with slender transverse pore plate.

Related and similar species

Although six species are listed in this genus, they cannot all be distinguished satisfactorily (Mound & Postle, 2004). One species is widespread in tropical Africa, the other five have been described from the Oriental region, between India, Japan, Philippines and northern Australia.

Distribution data

Known only from the north of Western Australia

Biological data

Host plants

Timonius timon (Rubiaceae)

Life history

Adults and larvae living on mature leaves, not in flowers or young leaves

Taxonomic data

Current valid name

Panchaetothrips timonii Mound & Postle

Original name and synonyms

  • Panchaetothrips timonii Mound & Postle, 2004

Oz thrips taxa